Welcome to Physics Centre

Explore the World of Physics

At Physics Centre, we provide comprehensive courses and resources to help you master the principles of Physics.
Whether you're a student looking for exam preparation or an enthusiast seeking to deepen your understanding, we've got you covered.
Neeraj Bhardwaj

Neeraj Bhardwaj

Experience: 21+ yrs

Mr. Neeraj Bhardwaj, today holds a position and name in the field of Physics tutorials that need no formal introduction. Well known Bhardwaj Sir in the every corner of Samstipur, he played a key role in making Samastipur a big hub of Coaching institutes. One of the top notch teachers at Samastipur, Mr. Bhardwaj, a rare genius, has given new dimesnions to the style of Physics teaching with his unique approach and methodology. His Comfortable and Convincing approach make the students at ease and enhace their interest in the subject while learning. Really the presence of a teacher of his caliber at samastipur is an unparalleled asset to the students seeking quality education. Academic standards set by him are yet unparalleled with any of the teachers at Samastipur.

The role of a teacher is not simply to bestow knowledge; it is to help the students seek even more learning. The role of Mr. Bhardwaj is to nurture the talent of the students and to guide them along the path of true knowledge.

"अगर मुझे पृथ्वी के बाहर पैर रखने को थोड़ी जगह मिल जाए, तो मैं पृथ्वी को उसकी स्थिति से खिसका सकता हूँ । ” - आर्किमीदीज !!

"किसी ने आइंस्टीन से पूछा कि क्या वे ईश्वर पर विश्वास करते है ? आइंस्टीन ने जवाब दिया कि मैं उस ईश्वर पर विश्वास करता हूं जो प्रकृति में मौजूद व्यवस्था के लिए जाना जाता है। मैं उस भगवान पर विश्वास नहीं करता, जो मनुष्य के भाग्य व कर्म का लेखा-जोखा रखता है।" - आइंस्टीन !!